

What does Dr. Kyle offer?

Click to learn more and choose which offerings you might find best suited for your wants and needs


Find out how the Pleasantly Pregnant Chiropractic style may differ from what you have experienced in the past…in your home!

Craniosacral Therapy

The lightest and gentlest touch can make a BIG impact with your body and the development of your beautiful baby

Pregnancy Consulting

Preparing? Tests? Results? Uncertain? More questions?! Let’s take time to get everything figured out

Birth Consulting

The what, when, why, how, and you don’t even know about what birth can be. Once you know, everything simply comes together

Certified Health Coach

Dr. Kyle is a pregnancy-specific Certified Health Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute and can take your nutrition to the next level

Holistic Packages

When your family wants multiple offerings from Dr. Kyle, he can create a custom package for your family to provide the best options

Book a Consultation

Let’s see if we’re a good fit.